yeah dee i heard that job was from the a oriantial country...i think it even say that in the book of job.
i just read love2bworldys thread at did u know about the early white supremicist view of the jw's?
not wanting to hijack or divert that topic i ask the question here.. .
adam was the progenitor of the whole human race, from his genes sprang the negroid, caucasian, mongoloid, indo-european and every other race on the planet.
yeah dee i heard that job was from the a oriantial country...i think it even say that in the book of job.
i just read love2bworldys thread at did u know about the early white supremicist view of the jw's?
not wanting to hijack or divert that topic i ask the question here.. .
adam was the progenitor of the whole human race, from his genes sprang the negroid, caucasian, mongoloid, indo-european and every other race on the planet.
a mess!...i don't believe any race changing to another color(especially blacks)...but i hear that because egypt is in africa the people in moses time was dark skinned because of the heat.. and the further drom africa the people moved .each generation after them became lighter..due to the lack of heat...THAT'S WHAT I HEARD! though i don't believe it! i really never care one whay or another...there are people who will make biblical people the way they want them to be...look at jesus...when i was a kid..all i seen was jesus being white...when i got into my 20's,it came out the jesus was hebrew,or a darker race.someone wanted him to be white bad! nevered matter to me..i love him no matter his color,its for what he did for us...the hell i would have died for a bunch of ungreatful people!
i'd say that the biggest advantage of being a jw is that you learn the bible.
growing up a jw (never baptized), i had many friends (mostly catholic) who didn't even know where most books of the bible were even located.
jws really do learn and study the bible and this knowledge becomes very helpful once you start looking at the bible more objectively and not with wts binders.
ummmmm a mess!
i'd say that the biggest advantage of being a jw is that you learn the bible.
growing up a jw (never baptized), i had many friends (mostly catholic) who didn't even know where most books of the bible were even located.
jws really do learn and study the bible and this knowledge becomes very helpful once you start looking at the bible more objectively and not with wts binders.
true people up here might not want to here this...but it's so true.i can ask anyone i know a question about the bible..they give me dumb answers,or can't kind a scripture...they ask me..i'll pull out my index box...and say bring it on!
just to balance all the glowing bs we seem to be getting in the media about this guy.,12272,1451750,00.html
damn!....heres to you guys,everyone acted as though he was god or something..hell i didn't make that much a deal when my mother and brother died..and i love the hell out of them!...i tell my kids all the time...people make a big deal out of those in the lime light ,when they they do the same for their own family members?
i'd say that the biggest advantage of being a jw is that you learn the bible.
growing up a jw (never baptized), i had many friends (mostly catholic) who didn't even know where most books of the bible were even located.
jws really do learn and study the bible and this knowledge becomes very helpful once you start looking at the bible more objectively and not with wts binders.
i agree with you...i didn't know the bible could be so interesting!...when i was around 13.i thought that was a boring book,didn't know it had things in it that can teach and help us.i use to wonder..if god was a loving god...then why do he take mothers away from her small children,,,then i was sin that brought on death. anyone who wants to say that's not true..need to read their bible right!
michael jackson!
how appropriate!!!
yet another knell of doom for the wts, which has covered up cm's for so long!
yes he was homme perdu.i rea years ago micheal said he was!
michael jackson!
how appropriate!!!
yet another knell of doom for the wts, which has covered up cm's for so long!
you're so late!..i known that for was janet...but i guess she couldn't leave those #@^$& alone so she quit.
i'm interested in your first rebellious act after 'getting out': homosexual sexadultery / fornicationklink your champange glass in a toastgrow a beardcurse (the really good words!
)go to churchdrugssmokingholidays / birthdaysoral / anal sex (with or without mate)blood transfusionfield service without filling out not-at-home slipsother (explain).
are you still involved?
well i'm inactive as i'm sure its written down on file...because i haven't been in years...thats not to say i hate the people ..because i don't,(well it was a few sisters i wanted to pop in the mouth)but i knew that wasn't the way to be! still there's nothing i'm doing now..that i wasn't doing when i was active!...i'm not doing any man right now,but i wasn't doing any man if i had a man then i would have done him,though i would have stopped going.not because of the quote, wj teachings of fornication,and that's gods teachings. i wouldn't feel right sitting in church pretending to be so self-rightous,knowing what i was doing was wrong in gods i said before..i did whatever i wanted to!
i was surprised to discover how my mother felt about the passing of the pope.
she mentioned even though he is different (regarding religion) he is still human and death is always something painful.
i overheard her discussion with my grandfather and she said he did good things and jehovah can grant him resurrection.
sting! you hit the nail on the head!..people seem to hate people because of the religion they choose!..thats so stupid to me.a religion doesn't define ones heart.i wish people focus more on loving people because we are all gods children( though some don't agree).like i said before...i don't give a damn on what your beliefs are..i love people because i have that god-given heart to do if you don't like me because of my religion or beliefs,or you choose to judge me because you hate my religion...or beliefs...then its on you(not you sting lol,speaking in general).and it makes you look bad.and for those who don't believe in can i hate on you? you have a right to feel the way you do. i never worry about the way people feel towards me.not being mean..i just have other important things to worry about!